Is your site safe and secure?
Yes, our site is 100% secure. We use 128-bit SSL, the same level of encryption used by large banks around the world.

How much is shipping?
Shipping is free worldwide on all of our watches!

What's the delivery time?
Exact delivery times vary based on destination. Any orders we receive will be shipped 1-3 business days.

You can choose from the following safe payment options in our shop
PayPal Express
Credit card (VISA, Mastercard, American Express)
Apple Pay

Privacy policy
The following items can't be returned or exchanged. Because of the nature of these items, unless they arrive damaged or defective, I can't accept returns for:
-Custom or personalized orders
-Items on sale

Refund policy
Contact within: 3 days of delivery
Ship items back within: 7 days of delivery
We can refund the items in such cases:
- The item arrived broken (we need a photo of damaged item)
You do not received your item within 45 days.
If you`re unhappy with your order for any reason, please, contact us and we`ll do our best to resolve the problem quickly.
Buyer pays return shipping. Shipping item back via registered mail only so the package can be traceable.
Buyers are responsible for return shipping costs. If the item is not returned in its original condition, the buyer is responsible for any loss in value.

satellite1957s [at] gmail.com 



